Juki NX7 sewing machine sunk into a RMF sewing table

Marie Lawlor on Ergonomic sewing

Sewing with a disability and chronic pain is no mean feat! Often we have to be creative about reducing the physical impact of sewing on our bodies so that there is no lasting negative impact. Marie shares her insights on how to combine, healthy sewing habits with ergonomic sewing spaces. What’s wrong with this photo? …

Marie Lawlor Juki Ambassador sitting in a teal wrap dress in her wheelchair in front of her Juki NX7 sewing machine on an RMF table

Meet Marie Lawlor

I’m a tea drinking, cake loving, disabled stay at home mum based in Bedfordshire. I went to university in London to study Law and unfortunately my career was de-railed early on by my medical condition, Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I started sewing in 2017 as a therapeutic outlet from life with a chronic condition. The irony is not …