This is our space for disabled sewists to tell their unique sewing stories. Because disability is so varied and no one person can speak for us all, we invite a variety of sewists to join our conversation on accessibility.
Meet Marie Lawlor
I’m a tea drinking, cake loving, disabled stay at home mum based in Bedfordshire. I went to university in London to study Law and unfortunately my career was de-railed early on by my medical condition, Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I started sewing in 2017 as a therapeutic outlet from life with a chronic condition. The irony is not lost on me that my disability can make sewing difficult or stop it in its tracks altogether! My sewing space has changed over the years. Primarily, I try to ensure […]Retro Claude on Sewing with a Disability
Meet Claudia @retroclaude. While researching Accessibility, I stumbled across a YouTube video by Claudia aimed at making sewing more accessible for people sewing with disability. Claudia has a penchant for period costume and she produced the video for COCOVID, a weekend of online costuming content last June. Claudia in her hand knitted Joan Crawford style sweater Although Claudia sews period costumes, we think her approach and planning as well as her practical tips are helpful to everyone who […]